KPI lens
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Master audit table. Track the history of data

Whether theory of chande or logical framework, our platform enables you to build out your monitoring framework using the best practices that suit your particular projects, there are no limitations to how you can grow or modify your framework, collaborate with teammates and keep track of your indicators

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Know how each indicators are performing across several projects in near-real time

Whether theory of chande or logical framework, our platform enables you to build out your monitoring framework using the best practices that suit your particular projects, there are no limitations to how you can grow or modify your framework, collaborate with teammates and keep track of your indicators

Collaborate with stakeholde to make any needed changes to project indicators

Whether theory of chande or logical framework, our platform enables you to build out your monitoring framework using the best practices that suit your particular projects, there are no limitations to how you can grow or modify your framework, collaborate with teammates and keep track of your indicators

Receive notifications when milestones are achieved

Whether theory of chande or logical framework, our platform enables you to build out your monitoring framework using the best practices that suit your particular projects, there are no limitations to how you can grow or modify your framework, collaborate with teammates and keep track of your indicators

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Master audit tables, Track the history of data

Use Notebooks to report your KPIs in a consistent manner, create or use an existing template to document your Indicators, learning and project activities in a portfolio like manner.The consistent flow of our Notebooks allows you to easily share your reports with multiple stakeholders across various projects.b

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Spend less time working on spreadsheets


Whether theory of change or logical framework, our platform enables you to build out your monitoring framework using the best practices that suit your particular projects, there are no limitations to how you can grow or modify your framework, collaborate with teammates and keep track of your indicators

Manage Form Responses and Export to CSV

Whether theory of chande or logical framework, our platform enables you to build out your monitoring framework using the best practices that suit your particular projects, there are no limitations to how you can grow or modify your framework, collaborate with teammates and keep track of your indicators

Share and broadcast survrys via emails, whatsapp or links

Whether theory of chande or logical framework, our platform enables you to build out your monitoring framework using the best practices that suit your particular projects, there are no limitations to how you can grow or modify your framework, collaborate with teammates and keep track of your indicators

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Report on your project's impact in the most compelling way.

Collect data using mobile phones with our survey and forms. This data automatically flows onto an online workspace where it can be cleaned, managed and analyzed in near real time, without the hassle of switching between several software tools. Your data is safe on the cloud and well organised




KPI lens

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